Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Using Pipe

Pipe ( | ) is an output modifier not the water pipe. It allows us to wade through all the configurations or other long outputs and get straight to our goods fast. It does not works in CISCO Packet tracer.
R1# sh run |  (append / begin / exclude / include / redirect / section / tee) <keyword>
e.g: if we want to get the only the information starting with interface of run command:
R1# sh run | begin interface

Viewing, Saving and Erasing Configurations

Viewing running configuration or startup configuration
R1# show run
R1# show start

Saving the running configuration to the startup configuration
R1# copy running-config startup-config
 R1# write [enter]

Deleting the Configuration and Reloading the Router
R1# erase startup-config
R1# reload

Serial Interface

There are many interfaces in a CISCO router. By default, serial interfaces of a CISCO router are all data terminal equipments (DTE) devices, so if you need it to act like a DCE device, these interface must be provided with clocking. Clock rate is defined on DCE interface.
Serial connection R1 to R2
Here, in the figure we configure clock rate on Se0/0/0 of R1 router. Clock rates are defined in bits per seconds. So,
R1(config)# int s0/0/0
R1(config-f)# clock rate 64000      <==== (Clock rate is 1200 - 8000000)

To verify that the interface has a DCE Connection or not
R1# sh controllers s0/0/0