Monday, December 31, 2012

Default Route

It is configured for unknown destination from the local LAN network. If the network has to access to the internet, it is configured. It is configured in the edge router or border router from where the internet is accessed.

HYD(config)# ip route <destination ip address or own's exit interface> <enter>

i. Initial Configuration.
ii. Do the following configuration on packet tracer.
iii. Test: Ping from PC1 or PC0 to Server1 or Server2 and vice Varese.
iv. You can download the completed file here.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Some Show Commands

  • RTR# show running-config          
  • RTR# show startup-config
  • RTR# show flash
  • RTR# show version
Magic Keys for help:
  1. [tab] : Completes the command.
  2. ? : Displays the command that are usable in the required mode.

Initial Configurations

Setting Hostname:
Router(Config)# hostname RTR

Putting IP address to an interface:
RTR(Config)# interface f0/0             -----> 0 = Zero
RTR(Config-if)# ip address
RTR(Config-if)# no shutdown     ----> Activating the interface
RTR(Config-if)# exit

Configuring Console:
RTR(Config)# line console 0                  -----> 0 = Zero
RTR(Config-line)# password console
RTR(Config-line)# exit

Securing VTY ports:
RTR(Config)# line vty 0 4
RTR(Config-line)# password telnet
RTR(Config-line)# exit

Securing Priviledge Mode:
RTR(Config)# enable secret cisco
or, RTR(Config)# enable password cisco

Saving Router's Configuration:
RTR# copy running-config startup-config
RTR# write
RTR# write memory

Modes of router

1) User executive mode:
" Router> "
Commands eg. telnet, traceroute, ping

2) Privilege executive mode:
Router> enable <enter>

" Router# "

3) Global Configuration Mode:
entire configuration is done in this mode
Router# config terminal <enter>
" Router(Config)# "

Physical Connection

start>programs>accessories> communication>hyperterminal

or PuTTY / teraterm

Boot Sequence

Boot Sequence:
i.     POST (Power-On Self Test)
ii.     ROM
iii.     Flash (IOS) (flash ----> TFTP)
iv.     NVRAM (Loads configuration)
v.     In case no configuration file, goes to setup mode.

CISCO Router Components

Router Components:
ROM     : Contains bootstrip
Flash    : Store CISCO IOS
NVRAM     : Non Volatile Random Access Memory: Stores startup-config
RAM     : Stores running Config

Sunday, December 23, 2012

IP Adressing

- It is a 32-bit addressing scheme.
- Each octet is separated by periods.             A        B     C       D
                                                                 E.g.:  192 . 168 . 10   .  10
                                                                 S.M:  255 . 255 . 255 .  0
A / B / C / D =  8 - Bit

CSMA/CD : Day 3

1. Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection:
     It is the working principle of Ethernet.

2. Communication:
  • Half Duplex: Either send or receive. E.g. Wireless, hub
  • Full-Duplex: Both send & receive at the same time. E.g. Modern switch.
3. MAC Address:
  • 48 - bit physical address
  • MAC Address
  • First 24-bit is known as OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
4. Cabling Standard:
  • Standard is maintained by TIA / EIA
  • Auto-MDX is a feature which can accept both serial and crossover cable.
5. Broadcast Domain:
  •  Area of the broadcast up to where the broadcast can go.
  • Every port of a router is a broadcast domain.
6. Collision Domain: 
  • Every switch-port is a collision domain.
  • Every switch-port separates a collision domain.